"Once you unpack the issue of technology, it's less about how awful the device is, or these apps are, and it is more about what they take us away from." Dr. Aliza Pressman
Since the minimum age for social media access is changing to 16 in Australia, some parents feel they no longer need to pledge to delay giving their child a smartphone. At Wait Mate we focus on the mission of delaying smartphones through collective action in school communities, where we connect aligned parents who pledge to delay until, at least, high school.
While this legislative move by the government is welcomed, giving kids longer to be kids, without the constant pull of an addictive smartphone in their pocket, is still a crucial shift our society needs to make for the long term wellbeing and resilience of our children.
Why still pledge and delay getting your child a smartphone?
Here are 6 key reasons
- Smartphones & their apps are addictive by design and problematic for children and teens even without social media.
- Smartphones aren't really 'phones', rather, they are portable supercomputers with 24/7 internet access and a world of entertainment at your fingertips. Their addictive features create a significant opportunity cost for other childhood experiences - even without social media.
- Smartphones are the gateway to a world potentially harmful content that children need media literacy, maturity and skills to navigate. Education in these areas is still catching up.
- Being connected with aligned families in your child's school year group through Wait Mate is invaluable to reassure your child they aren't alone and be able to name their peers who are also not getting a smartphone, until when.
- Schools tell us that group messaging apps (not considered social media and not covered by the draft bill) are a key source of cyberbullying and issues out of school hours, and these become a prevalent form of communication through WhatsApp groups and other group messaging apps once children are socialising on smartphones.
- Even though this is ultimately between you and your child, we urge you to be part of the positive shifts in our society and do your bit to help shift the norm for smartphone ownership for your school by signing the pledge.
It is heartening to be part of historical changes happening at government and school levels right now. Let's not forget we can action change, starting today, in our own homes and communities by pledging to delay smartphones and being connected with like-minded parents in our child's school year group.
"No smartphones before high school. Parents should delay children's entry into round-the-clock internet access by giving only basic phones (phones with limited apps and no internet browser) before ninth grade (roughly age 14)." Jonathan Haidt