Wait Mate is a movement empowering parents to hit pause on smartphones until at least high school. We connect you with like-minded families in your child's school year.

So kids can be kids for longer.

Learn more about Wait Mate

Why wait?

Smartphones areaddictive

The tech industry designs smartphone apps to be 'sticky' for profit, mirroring the addictive nature of gambling. Recent studies suggest smartphone dependence triggers addictive brain responses akin to alcohol, drug, and gambling addictions.

Smartphones arechanging childhood

Children are distracted, with some receiving 237+ notifications and spending 4-7 hours per day on their smartphones. Important developmental opportunities are being replaced with screen time.

Smartphones increase the risk ofanxiety and depression

Jonathan Haidt's research indicates that over 46 percent of teens are constantly online, correlating with increased suicide rates, self-harm, anxiety and depression worldwide.

Join the movement

Let’s reduce the social pressure to own a smartphone and stand stronger, together, for the sake of our kids.

Sign the pledge

We have the collective power to change the worrying statistics and mental health crisis facing our children. Don’t delay, it takes less than one minute.

Unlock your year group

Once ten families in your school year group sign the pledge, it unlocks. Encourage your fellow parents to also take the pledge!

Stay connected

You will receive an email to connect you with the other like-minded families who have signed in your year group so you can stand stronger, together. As more families join, you will be updated monthly.